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Strategic Factors For Organizational Performance: A Study Of Aviation Industry

Volume 5 - Issue 1, Jan 2022 Edition
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Dr. Dipak Prasad Bastola
Aviation Industry, Environment, Organizational Performance, Strategic Factors, Structure of organization,
Aviation is a dynamic business and is affected by the number of strategic factors of an organization. Aviation organization is unstable in nature and there is a strong relationship between external environment and organizational performance. There are various strategic factors like environment, culture, technology and structure of an organization which can affects aviation organization. There is a vast difference in general organizational factors and aviation organizational factors. Aviation Organization tends to be more sensitive to all the strategic factors and studies have shown that it should be dealt in a critical way. Imperative analysis about all the strategic factors must be done because they have massive impact which in turn results an abrupt rise and fall in aviation organization. Among all factors which sways aviation organization, leadership, environment, culture, structure and technology are considered to be the most authoritative influences and outweigh the other elements.
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