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Influence Of Cost Leadership Strategy On Performance Of Public Universities In Western Kenya Region

Volume 6 - Issue 7, July 2023 Edition
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Emily Mokeira Okwemba
Cost Leadership, Competitive Strategies Strategy, Performance& Public Universities
The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of cost leadership strategy on the performance of Universities in the Western Kenya region. The study was guided by Michael Porter’s Generic Strategy Theory. The study deployed descriptive survey research design. The Universities sampled in this study include Public Universities in the Western Kenya region. The target population was 409 administrative staff in-charge of academic programmes within in Universities in the Western Kenya region. From these, a sample size of 120 was obtained. The sample was identified using stratified and simple random sampling techniques. Both primary and secondary data were used. Primary data was collected using a structured questionnaire. Results indicated in the in the regression coefficient analysis reveal that Cost leadership Strategy has a statistically significant contribution in explaining the performance of Public Universities in Western Kenya. The study concludes that the cost leadership strategy has an ability to help universities cut a competitive edge survive the market threats. Considering various elements like proper deployment of technology, leveraged economies of scale, endeavoring outsourcing and cost reduction would public universities in a more successful way hence realizing optimized performance. The study recommended that cost leadership should be adopted alongside other competitive strategies to help in enhancing the performance aspect of public universities performance. Additionally, the study recommended that through market research should often to keep tabs on the market characteristics of prevailing environment.
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