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Readiness Of The Criminology Graduates In Taking The Criminologist Licensure Examination

Volume 6 - Issue 6, June 2023 Edition
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Jay-ar A. Lumbo, Erika Angeles , Kharo Bautista , Lucky Domingo, Jericho Geminiano, Abigail Lorenzo, Benjamin Pagador, Jasmin Ramos, Lyka Justine Mae Uba
Criminologist Licensure Examination, Financial Readiness, Mental Readiness, Physical Readiness, Readiness, Social Support, Time Management Tools.
One of the challenges a Criminology Graduate must face is overcoming the difficult process of passing the Licensure Examination for Criminologists. This research will improve the value and quality of the preparation of the Criminology Graduates to top the board examination as to individual category, and increase the percentage of the DCCP’s National School Ranking. This study made use of a quantitative research method following a descriptive research design. Ninety-four (94) Criminology Graduates of Data Center College of the Philippines Laoag – College of Criminal Justice Education were taken as respondents, weighted mean and a 5-point Likert scale were used in treating the collected data. The study revealed that most of the Criminology Graduates have “good preparation” as to mental and physical readiness and “fairly prepared” financially in taking the Criminologist Licensure Examination. Hence, the researchers recommends that respondents having financial difficulties may seek assistance from the LGUs that can offer subsidy allowance. They may also consider the different time management tools and apply the best techniques to have suitable time management. Moreover, they may also take into consideration implementing stress management activities to prevent burnout and pressure. Further, the CCJE may consider the results of the study to improve social and instructional support to the Criminology Graduates who are bound to take the CLE.
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