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Floristic Structure And Carbon Storage Capacity Of Cocoa Agrosystems In Bédiala (Daloa, West-Central Côte d'Ivoire)

Volume 5 - Issue 9, September 2022 Edition
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Voui Bi Bianuvrin Noël Boué, Koulibaly Annick, Coulibaly Siendou, Djago Audrey, TapéBi Foua Alphonse
Bédiala, carbon stock, cocoa agrosystems, floristic diversity
A study on floristic characterization and carbon stock assessment of cocoa stands was carried out in Bédiala (Midwest, Côte d'Ivoire). From surface and itinerant surveys, the composition and floristic diversity were estimated in cocoa agrosystems of different ages (0-5; 5-10; 10-15; 15-20; ? 20 years). The stored carbon was determined from the biomass according to the non-destructive allometric method based on the diameter or height of the individuals. In total, 100 species belonging to 80 families and 45 genera were counted. The family of Sterculiaceae (9 percent) is been the most represented. The most dominant biological types were Microphanerophytes (36%) and Mesophanerophytes (23%). The most important chorological types have been the taxa of the Guinean-Congolian zone (53 percent). The values of the calculated indices being statistically the same from one agrosystem to another, there is however a floristic diversity and an equitable distribution of individuals within species. A total of 193.26 ton of carbon per hectare were determined across the plantations. We also note that age has not had a significant influence on the floristic diversity and the capacity of cocoa agrosystems to store carbon.
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