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LQ45 Stock Price Predictions Using The Deep Learning Method

Volume 4 - Issue 4, April 2020 Edition
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Nurmalitasari, Sri Sumarlinda, Nyoto Supriyanto, Davina Kusuma Putri
Stock Price, Prediction, Deep Learning, LSTM
The stock price prediction is very useful for investors to see how the company's investment prospects in the future. Stock price predictions can be used to anticipate stock price deviations and assist investors in making decisions. Prediction of stock price index movements can be categorized as a problem that is quite challenging in financial predictions However, the complexity of the stock market has made it very difficult to develop predictive models that can be said to be effective. We offer a systematic analysis of the use of deep learning neural networks to analyze and predict the stock market. The ability of this deep learning neural network method is able to extract features from a large amount of data without relying on prior knowledge from predictors, thus making this deep learning method suitable for predicting stock prices at high frequencies.
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