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Work Life Balance As Mediator Between Counterproductive Work Behavior And Turnover Intention Among Employees Working In A BPO Company In Metro Manila

Volume 3 - Issue 9, September 2019 Edition
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Sarah Jane N. Santos, Rosalia T. Caballero
BPO, Counterproductive Work Behaviors, Mediation, Mediator, Turnover Intention, Work life Balance
Work provides earnings for everyday living but maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle while working is challenging. This study aims to identify the mediating effect of Work Life Balance on the relationship between Counterproductive Work Behavior and Turnover Intention among employees working in a BPO company in Metro Manila. A quantitative research design and mediation analysis was used in this study. Data were collected from 156 permanent employees using a researcher-made demographic questionnaire and standardized questionnaires. Based on the findings, the employees are experiencing struggle balancing their work and personal life, still commit few minimal negative behaviors and average response from the employees showed intent to leave the organization. It was also revealed that counterproductive work behavior significantly predicts turnover intention. The mediation analysis results also showed that WLB is a significant mediator between CWB and TOI. Mediation suggests that the influence of counterproductive work behavior and turnover intention is weakened by work life balance. This implies that whenever the employees are able to balance their work and personal life, CWB decreases. Thus, WLB is also instrumental in minimizing the employees’ turnover intention. These findings were utilized as basis for the creation of a retention program to enhance work life balance and minimize employee turnover.
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