International Journal of Advanced Research and Publications (2456-9992)

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Improving Battery life Of Mobile Phones

Volume 3 - Issue 6, June 2019 Edition
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Rushit Dave, Evelyn R Sowells Boone

Over the last two decades, the evolution of mobile technologies has led to an unprecedented adoption of cellphones in mainstream society. Consumers have moved from having the ability to make telephone calls from anywhere at any time using the traditional cellphones to having an all-access pass to cyberspace using today’s smartphones. This portable device has become a reliable support system for the user because of the accessibility and flexibility it offers to maintain the users’ daily routine. Although the functionality of the smartphone is ever increasing, AI has not advanced enough to tailor its functionality and adapt to the user’s unique requirements automatically. In addition, developments in the portable device are dependent upon advances in portable battery technologies which are still lagging. To address this issue, portable electronic system designers have been implementing hardware and software-based power optimization techniques to improve the battery efficiency of smartphones. Authors in this chapter have chosen software optimization techniques to increase battery efficiency because these techniques are more robust. This chapter introduces a novel idea of an automated system for smartphones that prioritize application access based on the owner’s usage patterns and daily routine to conserve battery life. This system will serve two purposes: save battery power and improve the smartphone’s artificial intelligence.
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