Driving Forces Of Master Teachers’ Research Capability: Towards Building A Research Culture In The Division Of Romblon, Philippines
Volume 3 - Issue 7, July 2019 Edition
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Amaranth M. Wong
Research Capability, Research Culture, Research Productivity, Master Teachers
This study is in response to the Department of Education’s call for a stronger research orientation among its teachers and staff geared towards the improvement of better policy and program development. It is an attempt to help build a research culture in the basic education institutions particularly in the Division of Romblon by providing baseline information about the master teachers’ research capability as well as the factors predicting their capability thereby providing a capability building program which can be used by the Department of Education to advance the research productivity. Anchored within the theory of Bandura’s Self-Efficacy, this study shed light on the master teachers’ level of capability in conducting, utilizing and disseminating research and what factors can significantly predict their research capability. The study employed the survey method in gathering the needed data. Quantitative data analysis using varied statistical tests yielded the following major findings: Master teachers are incapable in the following research capability dimensions: Research Process, Research Utilization, and Research Dissemination suggesting that their capability in research is indeed low and would explain the reason for non-progressive research productivity among the master teachers. There is a correlation between research capability and the following personal related variables such as age, length of service, teaching position, training attended, research conducted, research project involvement, research knowledge, attitude towards research and institutional support. The regression analysis showed that certain personal related variables such as attendance to training, attitude towards research, and knowledge about research could significantly determine higher-level research capability. The result provides a general implication that for any research capacity building program to succeed, the Department of Education must emphasize the importance of knowledge, attitude, institutional support as driving forces towards research productivity.
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