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Improving Student’s Mathematical Communication Skills Through Mathematics Worksheet Based on Realistic Mathematics Education

Volume 4 - Issue 1, January 2020 Edition
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Yerizon, I Made Arnawa, Rafki Nasuha Ismail
M realistic mathematics education, worksheet, student’s mathematical communication skills.
Students' mathematical communication skills are still low. The reason is that the presentation of material is less related to student life. The purposes of this research is to develop mathematics worksheets based on Realistic Mathematics Education to improve students' communication skills. This type of research is the Plomp design research model with three stages, namely the preliminary investigation, prototyping stage, and assessment phase. The instruments used were observation sheets, interview guidelines, questionnaires, and tests. The results showed that the worksheet was practical, effective, and valid, and was able in improving students' mathematical communication skills. The use of problems related to the students’ life makes learning more meaningful.
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