International Journal of Advanced Research and Publications (2456-9992)

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Volume 4 - Issue 1, January 2020 Edition
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Dr. Suman Meena, Dr. Anshika Gupta, Dr. Pradeep Kumar Meena, Dr.Vidula Gujjarwar
Apatarpana, Autophagy, Langhana, Upkarma.
Each medical system has its own principles of diagnosing a disease and hence the management approach. Ayurveda sights health as a equilibrium state of doshas and dhatus (body element), the derangement of which either in the form of undernourishment or over nourishment affects the homeostasis and result in diseases. Management of such a derangement is based on substituting the depleted component and removal of those accumulated in excess. Ayurveda the ancient science of life describes various types of treatments in context of healthy individual and also diseased one. Amongst them shadvidhopkrama bears a lot of significance in todays life. Shadvidhopkrama means union of six types of treatments principles, viz Langhana, Bruhana, Rukshana-Snehana, Swedana-Stambhana. Out of these six therapies Ayurveda advocates two basic treatment principle which are termed as brumhana and Langhana upkarmas. Management of all the disease occurs mainly in or around these two principle. Among the two, langhana upakarma is the one supported in conditions which arise due to atibrumhana or santarpana. The purpose of this therapy is to make the body light by relieving heaviness. Usually lightness is a quality of vata dosha. Heaviness due to kapha. Alike, whenever there is a kapha dosha increase the obstruction of the body channels by kapha dosha, or perhaps the additional kapha association with pitta dosha then the langhana treatment principle is adopted. Elaborate description is available in all the classical text of Ayurveda regarding upakarma in general and langhana upakarma in particular but the information is widely scattered. The purpose of this paper is provide a systematic compilation of langhana therapy for easier application of the concept.
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