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Cyto-Pathological Profile Of Intestinal Epithelial Cells Of Chicks At 3 Hours Age Post Invasion By Salmonella Enteritidis

Volume 4 - Issue 2, February 2020 Edition
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Amgad, M. Abdelrahman1, Khalda A. Khalifa2, Osama, A. Altayeb3, Omar, E. A. R.4, Azza, B. Musa5 , Dalia, E. Maki6, G. E. Mohammed7,8, Mostafa, A9., Manal, H. Salih10, Halima, M. Osman11.
Epithelial Cells, Cytopathology, Newly Hatched Chicks, Salmonella enteritidis
Salmonella often interferes with host cell functions such as actin polymerization and signal transduction to induce apoptosis and death. Salmonella enteric serotype enteritidis when targeted host cell it secretes effector protein, then proliferate into the cells concurrently leading to apoptosis, the effector protein will interact with that of the host cells. In the current study experimental newly hatched chick was taken as a model, twelve chicks were inoculated with salmonella cells at dose 10-5 intercrop. Three hours post-inoculation the chicks were sacrificed. Histopathological sectioning of intestine from affected chicks revealed, degenerative changes, infiltrate of the heterophil and mononuclear cell, as well as sever sloughing epithelial cells into the intestinal lumen. Cytopathology using the flow cytometer analysis showed that epithelium cells were invaded by Salmonella enteritidis for 3 hours. The flow cytometer succeeded to detect singlet epithelial cells that invaded by salmonella pathogen. Also, it described the effects of viable salmonella cells that rendering epithelial lining under pressure of invasion and induction of apoptosis as well as the cellular immunity was stimulated at 3hours of age. The study conducted on the processes of phagocytosis, kill and/or degradation against salmonella was not neutralized when compared with the destruction of intestinal epithelial cells and sluffing into lumen that means the losses in chicks started at 3hours of age.
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