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The Effect Of Integrated Marketing Communication Factor On Brand Awareness (Case Study: Budi Luhur University)

Volume 4 - Issue 2, February 2020 Edition
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Rismiatun, Afrina Sari
Advertising, Brand Awareness, Direct Marketing, Integrated Marketing Communication, Personal Selling, Sales Promotion.
This research aims to determine and explain how the effect of integrated marketing communication factor consisting of Advertising, Personal Selling, Public Relations, Sales Promotion, Direct Marketing, and partially on Brand Awareness. The type of research used was analytical research using a research instrument in the form of a questionnaire. The population in this study was the audience element of the campus, employees of nobility and students and students of nobility by using random sampling. Furthermore, the sampling in this research taken from an unknown population, and the sampling technique in this research use 169 respondents. This research uses Multiple Regression and ANOVA test to answer the hypothesis has been author state. Then the results showed that the variables of integrated marketing communication, namely from Advertising, Personal Selling, Public Relations, Sales Promotion, and Direct Marketing together effected Brand Awareness, while only the Public Relations variable has a significant effect on Brand Awareness.
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