Minimizing Stress In Pigs In Confinements When Conducting Research - A Review
Volume 4 - Issue 3, March 2020 Edition
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Johnson, N. C., Iorliam, B
Confinements, Minimizing Stress, Pigs and Research
Very often when conducting biomedical research involving pigs, the animals are required to be in a confined environment such as metabolic crates. In confined conditions there are guidelines to be followed as to minimize stress on the animals in order to avoid biasing the data that would eventually be obtained from such studies. The guidelines are simply good practices for the confined animals to be observed as to ensure quality maintenance and safety of the animals while conducting the biomedical or behavioral research, especially when testing for products. Furthermore, they promote the humane care of the animals with specific specifications with the sole objectives that will enhance animal well-being and welfare. Overall, these guidelines fall under three categories of environmental, management and human factors.
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