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Design And Analysis Of The Automatic Braking Control System On City Car Manual Transmission With Decision Support System Intelligent

Volume 4 - Issue 2, February 2020 Edition
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Doddy Satrya Perbawa, Galih Setiawan Nurohim
censor, microcontroller, ANFIS, Forward Chaining, pressure, pascal law
The design and the automatic braking control system in the car city car manual transmission is applied to the car has a wieght of 1090 kg empty and applied on a straight road with no twists and climbs as well as derivatives. The design of this system using ANFIS (Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Infrence System). algorithm. The system implements momentum formula weight force and acceleration are then applied in pascal law because the current legal system applying mechanical braking pascal. The system works triggered by several variables and the degree of membership of input variables are variables kecepaan, mass and distance, of the three input variables are obtained automatically from the sensor, the output generating braking pressure force that is triggered from the input variables. Variable output has different value corresponds to the value of input variables. The system is equipped with an intelligent system for the system to accommodate decisions made by manual braking. It aims to provide otmatis braking command is often done by the driver. The system uses the Forward Chaining method that can be applied to the automation system can learn the driver in braking. Processing of input and output variables resulting from calculation pascal law, serve as training data for ANFIS, ANFIS processing using MATLAB. In this MATLAB rules and obtained a degree of membership value of the variable and variables derived from the FIS. From the results of FIS be tested by inserting some great input variables to determine the braking force that is done. Test data is applied in the CV AVR to do. CV AVR serves as a charging program for mikrokonroler using C language Results of CV AVR programs implemented in PROTEUS. Proteus serves as a prototype design of the system, there are several tools such as sensors and microcontrollers.
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