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The Analysis Of Instagram Buzzer Accounts For Maximizing Promotional Activity

Volume 2 - Issue 3, March 2018 Edition
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Melgisaputra Dwi Nanda
Buzzer, selection, promotion, consumers, Instagram.
In order to promote the product to be widely known by the consumers and improve the sales; promotion activity is conducted. At present, the product promotion through social media is considered as the most effective effort where the social media of Instagram has established itself as one of the social media with active users that reached 700 million users in which its 45 million of active users located in Indonesia and become the biggest users in Southeast Asia. By referring towards this opportunity, the buzzers accounts are emerging which provide the product promotion service with varied prices. Buzzer is the users/accounts that utilize their personal Instagram account to distribute the information widely in various sectors and actively conduct a promotion or advertising activities of a product or a service of a company and particular business actor. However, the business actors or companies have not yet conduct optimal selection of buzzer accounts for their media promotion in which the budget spent is not in accordance with the impact resulted from the promotional activity conducted by those accounts. In order to overcome that issue, the analysis towards the selection/determination of buzzer accounts that will be selected to conduct promotion activity is required. Through the analysis implemented by using Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method towards the account’s activeness, post reach, the number of likes, the comments and prices offered in every promotion post of buzzer accounts; the research will generate an appropriate decision in selecting the buzzer accounts that could maximize every promotional activity.
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