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Teacher’s Career Performance In Secondary Education; Case Study Of Teacher's Psychology, Ethics, Moral And Values In Dodoma (M), Tanzania.

Volume 2 - Issue 3, March 2018 Edition
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Arnold K Fulment, Bajarang B Srivastava, Revelian R Tibyehabwa
In-service Teacher's Training; Principal component; Teacher's psychology, Moral, Values, Ethics; Teacher's working morale
Every University in Tanzania has its own teachers ' training program curriculum, and the way teachers are educated to meet challenges but still upholding the teaching professional is also questionable. The present study assesses teachers‘moral, value, ethics, psychology and working morale in secondary education. The study involved structured questionnaire interview, focus group discussion and key informants study design. The study found that student behavior is influenced by both teacher's behavior and student's characteristic, teacher's moral, ethics, values and psychology is influenced by teacher's foundation from the training programs where as working morale is much affected with school climate and prevailing relationship between employers and employees. Problems of teachers ' salaries, job promotion, unsatisfactory teaching environment and lack of teachers' in-service training programs affect teacher's performance. The study further found that; teacher's organization and preparedness for class sessions, commitment to employer's goals, teacher-students counseling service or activities as well as teacher and student interactions depend on type of school ownership (government or private school). The study contributes significantly to the understanding of the contemporary state of teaching career and teachers' performance and challenges in secondary education in Tanzania.
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