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Obstacles To Enforcement Of Book Copyright Law In Indonesia Based On The Legal Structure, Legal Substance, And Legal Culture

Volume 3 - Issue 3, March 2019 Edition
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Wahyu Suwarni
Copyright, Books, Legal Structure, Legal Substance, and Legal Culture
The purpose of this study was to determine the constraints of copyright law enforcement, especially in books in a legal structure, legal substance and legal culture. The research method used is a normative juridical method, which comes from Copyright Act Number 28 of 2014. Through the study approach of Lawrence M. Friedmen's theory shows that the constraints of legal structure lie in the control of legal structures which generally require law enforcement procedures, such as civil procedures and criminal and administrative procedures. Whereas the substance of the legal constraints briefly changes the terms of registration {Copyright Act Number 19 of 2002 article 1 no. (13)} becomes a recording {Act Number 28 Year 2014 article 1 No. (19) on Copyright} indicates that there is no certainty law to guarantee legal protection, especially for copyrighted works that are not registered with the institution of copyright. While the legal, cultural constraints, people tend to choose cheaper goods, therefore if there is a choice between original and pirated goods, then the public will tend to choose pirated goods that are cheaper regarding price, including local books and imported books.
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