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Reward And Employee Retention In Non Governmental Organizations: A Comparative Study Of Plan International And Save The Children By

Volume 4 - Issue 5, May 2020 Edition
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Nakiyimba Christine, Ndejje University; Emuron Lydia, Kampala International University; Auno Stella Hope, Kampala International University.
Employee Reward, Retention, Non Governmental Organisations
Despite apparent high remuneration by Non-Governmental Organisations, they still experience retention challenges of key talent. This study examined the relationship between rewards and employee retention in Non-Governmental Organisations. Specifically, it sought to establish the different rewards administered as well as the relationship between rewards and employee retention using Plan International and Save the Children, both operating in Uganda. A cross-sectional comparative study design using both quantitative and qualitative approaches was employed. Questionnaires, interviews and focus group discussions sourced the information. Quantitative and qualitative data was analysed using Pearson’s coefficient, ANOVA, content, logic and inference methods respectively. Results showed a positive correlation between rewards and employee retention in NGOs. The NGOs administered a reasonable base pay, some allowances and benefits. There however was lack of job evaluation, inflexible reward policies, rigid pay structures and consequently, extra effort from high performers was not catered for. It was recommended that NGOs carry out Job evaluation and adopt flexible reward policies to incorporate contingency pay and bonuses to cater for the extra effort put in by high performers.
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