Assessment Of Infrastructural Provision And Adequacy In Nigeria/Benin Border Towns Of Ogun State: Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Volume 4 - Issue 4, April 2020 Edition
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OJO Oladimeji Olusola, OPOKO Akunnaya Pearl
Infrastructure, Provision, Adequacy, Border Town, Benin, Nigeria
The state of infrastructural provision determines wellbeing, progress and development of both governments and citizens. Due to the declining level of infrastructures, researchers are devising empirical methodologies to assess state of these services in border communities to inform policy formulation by government in these countries. In this vein, the current study examines the level of infrastructural facilities provision in border communities between Nigeria and Benin-Republic through the application of Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). This was applied to data obtained from a scientific sample of 280 respondents via a structured questionnaire instrument. The outcome of the analysis reveals that residents of the investigated border communities are faced with acute supply of infrastructural facilities while the available ones are in critical or poor conditions. The study urges the governments in developing countries to formulate and execute effective developmental policies that will improve the level of infrastructures in border communities and other areas in order to provide sustainable living environment for the citizen.
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