The Influence Of E-Marketing Learning And Self Efficacy Toward Students’ Interests In Entrepreneurship
Volume 4 - Issue 5, May 2020 Edition
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Suharto, Umi Hidayati
E-Marketing, Self Efficacy, Entrepreneurship.
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of E-Marketing learning and self-efficacy toward students’ interest in entrepreneurship. The research sample is from 109 students who have followed the course Entrepreneurship in STKIP PGRI Nganjuk Indonesia. Collecting data uses questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. Statistical test studies use multiple linear regression tests that aimed to determine the influence between variables. The results showed that (1) there is significant influence between E-Marketing learning to the interest in entrepreneurship, (2) there is significant relationship between self-efficacy toward entrepreneurship interest, and (3) there is significant relationship between E-Marketing learning and self-efficacy of the interest in entrepreneurship. The use of E-Marketing in entrepreneurship students has increased. Students are more motivated to entrepreneurship by leveraging online platforms such as social media Facebook, Instagram, market place, Youtube, and website. In addition, the increase of self-efficacy also makes the students more active in running businesses owned. Secondly, it is certainly able to increase student interest in entrepreneurship.
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