Leadership Behaviour The Panacea For Employee Performance In Selected Public Technical Universities In Ghana
Volume 4 - Issue 6, June 2020 Edition
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Godwin Kwesi Yawotse, John A. Micah, Dr. Elizabeth Cornelia Annan-Prah
Leadership behaviour, employee performance, monitoring operations, problem solving, delegating, directing, empathy and support,
Employee performance is very key to the survival and growth of institutions. Leadership behaviour plays a dynamic role for the attainment of employee performance. The purpose of this research was to describe the nature of leadership behaviour pattern and employee performance in selected Public Technical Universities in Ghana. The study relied on both primary and secondary data. The primary data was obtained from questionnaires, interview schedules and personal observations whilst secondary data was obtained from literature. There was some amount of data conversion, thus, changing raw data that was collected into usable format fed into the computer statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) for processing. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed to ascertain the leadership behaviour patterns practiced at public technical universities in Ghana. Delegating of responsibilities, monitoring operations, empowering followers, solving the problems that workers were faced with in the course of discharging their duties, issuing instructions and directions to subordinates and showing empathy and support were the behaviours that were exhibited by leaders. With much emphasis on delegating assignments, monitoring operation and empowering of followers were frequently exhibited by leaders. These behaviours led to increase in the performance of employees at the Universities. The behaviours of leaders contributed to the attainment of job performance. The study recommends that the Management of Public Technical Universities should encourage leaders to ensure a balance in the practice of task-oriented and relation-oriented behaviours. Management should intermittently organize training programmes for leaders at various level of the University for Leaders to appreciate and improve upon their leadership skills in the area such as problem solving, monitoring skills and interpersonal relations Employees/subordinates should be made to appreciate that monitoring was relevant for the attainment of productivity.
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