Establishing Whether Stakeholder Participation In Planning Influences Road Transport Sector Performance Of Bushenyi District Local Government In Uganda.
Volume 4 - Issue 6, June 2020 Edition
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Benard Nuwatuhaire, Priscilla Tibihikirra
Stakeholder, participation and sector performance.
This study sought to establish whether stakeholder participation in planning, influenced road transport sector performance of Bushenyi District Local government in Uganda. The study adopted a cross-sectional design using both quantitative and qualitative research approaches on a sample of 112 respondents. Quantitative data involved the use of descriptive statistics particularly frequencies, percentages and the mean. Inferential analysis methods were correlation and regression. Findings revealed that stakeholder participation in planning was good but road transport sector performance was moderate. Therefore, it was concluded that stakeholder participation in planning is a necessary requirement for road transport sector performance but stakeholder participation is not the most probable requirement for road transport but feedback as well. Thus, it was recommended that stakeholder participation in planning should be made apriority in implementation of road transport sector projects to enhance performance of road transport sector; and stakeholder feedback should be encouraged for performance of road transport sector.
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