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The Expression Of Local Values In Performance Art Of Malang Mask Puppet

Volume 3 - Issue 9, September 2019 Edition
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Robby Hidajat
mask puppet, local values, traditional performance art
This article is written based on a research concerning Malang Mask Puppet in Malang Regency, East Java. Malang Mask Puppet is performance art on puppet genre and it has been growing widely in Malang region. This performance is played by dancers who wear mask in different characters. Public acknowledgment to this performance has been started since the article of Pigeaud in 1938. Malang Mask Puppet performance is led by puppet master and accompanied by Javanese gamelan music, and these components have been the standard of mask puppet performance since 18th century. Some informants of this research still found time in 1970s to witness their grandfathers acting as the dancer in mask puppet performance. Therefore, research is aimed to explore local values expressed in Malang Mask Puppet performance, especially when it presents the Story of Panji. This story becomes a central theme in mask puppet performance because it represents psychological wellbeing, life philosophy, and social conditions of Malang people. Mask puppet performance is also played for many events, such as sacred ritual, tolak balak ceremony, and hajatan celebration. Method of research includes interview, observation, and review of documentation. Data analysis uses interpretation theory by which the author acts as main instrument to understand, comprehend, and internalize information provided by informants. Result of research indicates that three local values are expressed in Malang Mask Puppet performance, and these are (1) strengthening connectivity to ancestral spirits, (2) enforcing social solidarity and social bonding, and (3) signing initiation phase.
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