Building Capacity For Quality In Global Higher Education
Volume 3 - Issue 10, October 2019 Edition
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Michael D. Richardson, Christopher J. Garretson, Robert E. Waller, Pamela A. Lemoine
Globalization, capacity building, quality, global higher education, change
International society has assumed a globalized emphasis, supported and sustained by rapidly advancing technology. In this swiftly changing environment higher education institutions are expected to offer the highest quality education to a widely diverse audience. Technology will often increase costs without easily measurable or discernible benefits, yet without adequate technology higher education will have limited resources to constantly assess the educational processes used to increase quality and innovation. Quality is an often arbitrary concept viewed as a primary driver in global higher education leading to the development of new organizational structures and systems that will provide quality learning. But building the capacity to apply change efficiently and effectively is one of the most critical factors facing global higher education.
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