Design Of Real-Time Electrical Power Consumption Monitoring System In Office Buildings Using SCADA Based RS485
Volume 3 - Issue 10, October 2019 Edition
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Deta Brian Paryogi, Azmi Saleh
Modbus, Real-Time Monitoring, SCADA, RS 485.
Various automation systems are used to facilitate a human task nowadays. One of them is SCAD (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition). SCAD is a system that has three basic functions such as telemetering, telecontrol, and telescope. Thus, it has the advantage of being able to supervise plants located far apart. The SCADA system consists of three main parts namely the Master MTU (Master Terminal Unit), Slave RTU (Remote Terminal Unit, and communication media. The master is used as a communication controller while the Slave is used as executing commands from the Master. Meanwhile, the communication from the Master and Slave uses the Modbus protocol which in SCADA media can use ethernet or serial cable. In this study, a SCADA-based monitoring system design was made by implementing the real-time monitoring function (telecontrol) of the use of electrical power in the office building. In this design, a combination of two sensors and a microcontroller as slave RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) and Master MTU (Master Terminal Unit) were used to supervise the RTU. The communication between slaves and master used RS485, the communication protocol used Modbus with cable line communication. Meanwhile, USB RS485 was used for interface communication between the master and PC (Personal Computer) The results of this study showed that the design can be analyzed and utilized to analyze and monitor the availability of a power outage in an office building in real-time and quickly. Thus, maintenance became more efficient.
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