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Numerical Simulation Of Oil Hydrocarbons And Heavy Metals Transport In Soil

Volume 4 - Issue 4, April 2020 Edition
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Mahboba Rezai
Oil hydrocarbons, Heavy metals, Contaminants transport, Numerical modeling
Extensive entrance of oil hydrocarbons and heavy metals into subsurface soil and groundwater resources and characteristics of their propagation has become an important matter. The aim of this study is investigating the factors affecting the propagation of the contaminants in the soil using a numerical model called CTRAN/W. Hence a soil environment with 20 meters depth and 45 meters length analyzed. Boundary condition, initial condition and material properties in these simulations varied in every section. According to analyses, in coarse soils, the emission pattern is vertical and downward; however in fine soils horizontal distribution pattern is dominant. In other words generally in coarse soil the emission depth of soil pollution is more than emission length and in fine-grained the length of pollution is greater. With an increase in the density of contaminants, it has penetrated further into the aquifer and this makes it less spread on the surface of the aquifer. In both fine and coarse, the mainstream emission is vertical with an increase in transverse dispersion coefficient, the extent of pollution in the horizon increases. With an increase in longitudinal dispersion coefficient in both fine and coarse soil environment, a broader pattern of propagation is reached and other words in both horizontally and vertically, the emissions will increase. It was also observed that by increasing the ion exchange capacity, the arrival time of pollutants in the soil column increases and steep rise in emissions to reach its maximum is reduced. By increasing alkalinity, ion exchange capacity increases and therefore much more polluting soil adsorbs. The results can predict how and the extent of pollution and the importance of the effect of various parameters affecting the pollution used.
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